We encourage you to report any unusual or suspicious behaviour you see, or anything that is of a criminal nature. Reporting to the Police establishes a picture of what is happening in your area. It also provides statistical information of crime trends, which influences Police activity to prevent further offending now and in the future. Reporting to the Police is important and is the only way they can begin to address crime concerns.

Please report offending to Police BEFORE you report it on social media.

Police communications will broadcast the information they receive to ensure the appropriate Police response.



Emergency Contact Numbers

111 is the number for events that are currently happening and need an emergency Police response. This includes anything that threatens lives, damage to property, a crime is being committed or dangerous driving.

105 is a non-emergency number things that have already happened and do not require urgent Police assistance. It can also be used to give further information or to check on a report that has already been made.

*555 can only be called from a mobile phone. It is used to report traffic incidents which are urgent but not life-threatening including non-injury crashes, poor driving, breakdowns and obstructions on the highways

Call 0800 555 111 to anonymously report what you know about a crime that has been, or is being committed, if you suspect a crime is being planned, or any other activity you think is illegal.